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Jacob McCauley Signature models now available............!!!!!!!!
Together with award winning Canadian bodhran player Jacob McCauley we've designed two straight
snakewood tippers which suit his individual style of playing. They're available individually or as a set.
Robbie Walsh Signature now available !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Designed together with Robbie Walsh (All Ireland Bodhran Champion 2009), this is the tipper he uses
for playing and teaching.
my name is Gordon Falconer. I was born in Ayrshire in Scotland and moved to The Netherlands in
I'm an engineering turner, having served my time with British Aerospace. After years of working in
factories I gave up the daily grind to become a musician. A wife and two children later I decided that going
back to a 'proper' job was needed. As a mechanical engineer I had a great time working all over Europe
and the Middle East but unfortunately I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and had to give up this career
as well.
And here we are....I started Falconwood in August 2010, so I'm back where I started all those years
ago. Only now, instead of turning metal I'm turning wood, and loving every minute of it!
If you have any queries do not hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to help.
Should you require a custom made tipper, please let me know what you would like.
Trade enquiries are welcomed. Please contact me for more information.
Bezoeker: 16551599
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